Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hey all! Project Plus is gearing up for the Fall Semester. So far we have 2 more schools to add to our active list, perhaps more. Denver Metro is one of the largest Universities in America, and is made up predominantly of commuter students. While the age range is slightly higher than traditional 4 year institutions, we feel that this will be a great way to promote our message to a new demographic! Good Luck Metro!

South Dakota State University is one of the larger schools in the state of South Dakota. We're looking forward to using tactics other than posters at this school since the climate promotes more indoor activity during the long winter months!

As always, if you believe your school could benefit from our message, please let us know. You can contact us at Also, if you would like to hold a Food Not Condoms demonstration in September or October, the time to start planning is now! You can contact us for information at

Finally, we are looking for someone with web expertise to help us with our websites. Currently we do not have the equipment available to us to update our main page at If you have this equipment, or are willing to help up update our pages, please contact us at either of the above email addresses!

Have a good first week of class!


Anonymous said...

Hey Brit, what happened the the Project Plus web page? I tried it, and it was a generic web page. Will you renew the license to use

MDHichborn said...

My name is Michael Hichborn, and I'm the media director for American Life League. I am currently contacting pro-life and Catholic bloggers all across the internet in a concerted effort to more effectively spread the word through what is being termed “the new media.” As such, I was hoping we could send our video releases to you for posting on your blog. I have recently established a regular webcast for American Life League, and I would be most honored if you would share it with your readers as they come out (approximately, every 2 weeks. If you are interested in this, please e-mail me at and let me know. If not, just e-mail me and ask me not to bother you anymore. 
Thanks, and God bless!